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Phenibut was initially developed in the 1960s in Soviet
Union as an anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) medicine with
cognitive enhancing properties. It has since attracted
a strong following of users in the “smart medicine”
market, with claims of boosting memory recall and exam
performance. Originally given to Soviet cosmonauts
to combat anxiety and insomnia.

Phenibut – also known as pbut, noofen, party powder (or its scientific name β-phenyl-γ-aminobutyric acid and brand name Bifren) – is similar in structure to a type of neurotransmitter known as neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which plays a role in reducing excitability and anxiety, as well as enhancing euphoria and cognitive function. Phenibut binds to a specific subtype of the GABA receptor, activating a similar reaction as GABA.

Phenibut is a derivative of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). GABA is the primary neurotransmitter in your body that regulates the neuronal excitability of the central nervous system. Basically, GABA makes sure that your brain does not become hyperactive.
Why not just supplement with GABA directly then? Phenibut crosses the blood-brain barrier more effectively than GABA itself in supplement form. GABA is naturally produced in the brain itself, therefore it normally does not need to cross the blood-brain barrier to be effective.
In humans, Phenibut supplementation causes 2 main effects by acting on your nervous system.
 1. It is a nootropic. Phenibut primarily increases motivation, attention and concentration with a weaker effect on memory and little effect on overall intelligence.
 2. It is a strong anxiolytic. Phenibut is used to treat panic attacks, stuttering, Parkinson’s disease, neuroses, vestibular (balance) disorders, spasticity, epilepsy, hyperactivity, insomnia and post-traumatic stress disorder. Pick-up artists use Phenibut to shake the nerves of cold-approaching beautiful women.

Anecdotally, Phenibut also improves sleep quality. We know GABA supplementation does, so it’s plausible Phenibut does too,
being a GABA-derivative that more effectively crosses the blood-brain barrier.
In addition, Phenibut has mood enhancing effects. It has thymoleptic (anti-depressant) properties and can reduce irritability and fatigue. It is clinically used to treat asthenic-depressive syndrome.
These psychoactive effects are similar in mechanism to alcohol but without the depressant effects. In the upper/downer classification of drugs, alcohol is a downer, but Phenibut is neither. Phenibut gives you focus and calmth without the jitters of caffeine or the cloudiness of alcohol.

Phenibut’s effects can easily last the rest of the day, even though Phenibut’s plasma half-life is only 5.3 hours.
This is because Phenibut’s action on the GABA receptors can linger long after your kidneys have excreted all the Phenibut.

Over 300 scientific publications have studied positive nootropic and pharmacological properties of Phenibut

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Not just for astronauts

Phenibut has a few more effects:

  • Phenibut can increase resting and post-exercise growth hormone secretion. In a study of weight training men, 
GABA supplementation increased resting growth hormone concentrations by 375%. Post-exercise growth hormone concentration rose by 175%. Baclofen, which works almost exactly the same as Phenibut, also increases growth hormone synthesis.
  • Phenibut is anti-hypoxic. When you train a muscle intensely, it can’t get enough oxygen anymore and become hypoxic. This metabolic stress mediates muscle hypertrophy. Phenibut may thus increase your tolerance to metabolic stress and allow you to train harder.
  • Phenibut is neuroprotective and augments cell energy potential, again possibly allowing you to train harder.


One study also found that Phenibut increased muscle strength, but this finding is likely limited to neurotic and psychotic individuals, because the above study in resistance trained males did not find an increase in weight lifted. You shouldn’t think of Phenibut as a typical ergogenic or performance enhancer anyway. In fact, as I’ll discuss in the dosage section below, excessive Phenibut intake can decrease your performance. Rather, think of Phenibut as a recovery enhancer and don’t expect miracles from it. In my experience, Phenibut works best in very lean individuals. Phenibut can counteract the natural decrease in growth hormone production associated with being lean. This may help your joints stay healthy and keep your metabolism high. Phenibut’s mood enhancing effects are also very beneficial here, as anyone who’s ever been below 7% body fat will be able to tell you.

Remember! Your safety is our top priority, so remember that dietary supplements should be taken exactly as stated in the leaflet or according
to your doctor’s instructions. In this specific case, the rule “the more, the better” has no place. Overdosing on supplements
can lead to serious health problems. The most important aspects during supplementation are moderation, caution, and consultation with a specialist.

use knowledge wisely

The optimal Phenibut dosage

The vast majority of studies have only researched dosages up to 3 grams a day. At these dosages, no psychological side effects are found. However, many people take much higher dosages for longer periods of time. This is the same more is better fallacy that leads people to drastically overestimate how much protein they need per day and become addicted to caffeine. Like caffeine, Phenibut feels great and seems harmless, so people consume high amounts of it on a regular basis. The result is addiction: tolerance to the good effects and withdrawal when ceasing supplementation. And they pay the price. Phenibut withdrawal is hell. When coming off 20 grams a day, you can literally become psychotic for a while. Tapering off the dose will minimize withdrawal symptoms, but my recommendation is to avoid becoming addicted in the first place.


 1. Your Body Surface Area (m²) = 0.007331 x Height (cm)0.725 x Weight (kg)0.425 It’s important to calculate your BSA and not use 1.6 as a default, because this will lead to an underestimation in bodybuilders and an overdose in lean women.
 2. Your Km factor = Weight (kg) / body surface area (m2) [14]
 3. Multiply the animal dosage by the animal’s Km factor divided by your own Km factor to get the human equivalent dose.
 4. Calculate the HED for 70 mg/kg in mice for the maximum pre-workout/side effects dosage threshold and use 200 for the addiction threshold.

Using 3 grams of Phenibut a day consistently results in a strong tolerance to Phenibut’s effects and withdrawal when no longer taking the drug. Addiction takes less than 10 days to develop. A 5’10” (1.78 m) adult weighing 176 lb (80 kg) will develop a tolerance to using 1.2 grams of Phenibut a day. It is unfortunately not known how low the Phenibut dose has to be not to result in addiction, so it’s best to err on the side of safety.

Perhaps most importantly, Phenibut’s effects are highly mediated by stress and anxiety. So your personality type and the situation strongly determine how much benefit you will experience from Phenibut. If you are not in a stressful or social situation and you have a naturally calm personality, you may not feel anything from Phenibut unless you take several grams. So experimentation and timing is everything to find the dosage that works for you. It’s a drug, not some supplement you take daily just to take it.

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Side effects

Signs of overdose include: shallow irregular breathing; drowsiness and lethargy; increased sweating; decreasing blood pressure; nausea and vomiting; and lowering body temperature.

There is currently limited information about phenibut side effects. But because it has similar pharmacological properties to baclofen it’s likely to have similar side effects. These include gastrointesinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea), central nervous system symptoms (insomnia, confusion, euphoria, depression, hallucinations), and visual disturbances and musculoskeletal symptoms (such as tremors).


Users of phenibut can also develop tolerance within days, needing more of the drug to feel the same effects. This can increase the risk of adverse effects. Users may develop withdrawal effects, such as severe rebound anxiety and insomnia, when they stop taking it.

more than just a supplement

It will effectively
free you from anxiety

Regardless of what you do, Nepokol can be your ally in
combating stress and anxiety. Phenibut, based on
scientific research, increases motivation and eliminates
overstimulation. Additionally, it improves concentration,
supports body regeneration, and helps maintain a healthy
and peaceful sleep.